I help neurodivergent spoonies who are done feeling like a failure and a burden go from doing things the neurotypical, able-bodied, and toxic way, to mastering a toolset for genuine self-care and a bias toward action, so they can finally believe in and trust themselves enough to spend their precious time and energy the way they want.


Looking for The Action Navigator Course?

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6 Muse Muscles Workshop?


Looking for…

  • Cassie’s “Patreon” like Membership? Click here.

  • ChatGPT PDF Guide For Executive Dysfunction? Click here.

  • The Original Butt In Chair Time Masterclass? Click here.

Hi! I’m Cassie Winter.

I help Neurospicy Spoonies* go from being unable to get themselves to take action on the things they want and need to do, merely surviving, and feeling like they’re wasting their lives, to mastering their time and developing a radically compassionate and fulfilling relationship with themselves so they can finally love living their lives and thrive.

*NEUROSPICY SPOONIE: Anyone who has reduced ability, energy, capacity, and/or usable hours each day due to things such as chronic illness, chronic pain, disability, invisible disability, mental health issues, trauma, and/or neurodivergence.

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As a Student, don’t forget the journey Accountability Muse has in store for you…

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