The Secret To Being More Productive: The Window of Tolerance

We all want to feel productive, right? The trouble is focusing on feeling productive is a red herring that directs us away from the feelings that we need to engage with in order to feel productive, and that's what we're talking about today. It involves a little something called "The Window of Tolerance". Watch the video at the link below, or read on for the full transcript.

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What to say when someone tells you “This should be easy” | Effective Communication Examples

"This should be easy." You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn't said that to themselves or to someone else. It's so common and it can be so, so harmful. By the end of this video, you'll understand why this phrase is ableist and how to stand up for yourself when someone tells you that what you're trying to do should be easy. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Medical Trauma (When Failure Is Not An Option) | Where I’ve Been in 2023

Hello my precious Muses. I've been pretty MIA on YouTube this year due to a lot of ongoing medical trauma. I've alluded to it before, but today I want to walk you through what's been going on. Failure has not been an option for me with this medical goal, but that doesn't mean I don't have a failure story. It's time for some failure analysis as we talk about chronic illness, goal setting and motivation, medical trauma, and where I've been in 2023. Watch the video at the link below, or read on for the full transcript.

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New Year’s Goal Setting Strategies for Neurodivergent Spoonies | PART ONE

So it's a new year, and once again, you might feel like something has to change. You're chronically ill, neurodivergent, and maybe you feel broken, lazy, like a burden. Something needs to change this year. But, you know, the same old goals, the same old mindset shifts won't work this time, either. Something needs to change, but you have no idea what. If any of that resonates with you, I made this video for you because that was me six years ago. Change is possible, I promise you. So, let me show you how. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Time Blocking Method | Why Your Time Management System Isn’t Working

Are you able to create a time block schedule but then struggle to follow through? While I've discussed this on my channel many, many times before, I'm talking about something new today. So if you are looking for a fresh take on the mindset around time blocking so you can actually follow through on your time blocking, stick around. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Chronic Illness Gift Guide (2022)

So someone you care about is a Spoonie. They have a chronic illness, disability, mental health issue, and/or are neurodivergent. And you have no idea what to get them for the holidays. Have no fear, I have got you covered. By the end of this video, you'll know the general guidelines for Spoonie gift giving, a list of my personal favorite Spoonie-friendly gifts, and a list of my community's favorite Spoonie friendly-gifts. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript and gift list.

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