About Cassie Winter



Whether you're a writer who isn't writing, a creative who isn't creating, or an entrepreneur who isn't working on your business... At the end of the day you have a goal, a dream, and it means a lot to you. Which is why it's so painful that you're not doing what you know you could be doing to move forward.

You may have a chronic illness (or two or three), may struggle with mental health issues, and may also have a history of trauma. You're afraid you may not have what it takes to accomplish your goals.

You feel stuck. And you hate it.

You dream of being the kind of person that wakes up every morning and gets shit done.

But there's a part of you that's afraid of how much you'll have to sacrifice to become that person. Will you have to overwork yourself? Will you burn out? Will your relationships suffer? Will you ever have time to relax, take care of yourself, or have fun?

You wonder if you can accomplish your goals and live your life too...



So who the hell am I to say this?

My name’s Cassie Winter, and I’m an accountability and life coach. I help creatives with chronic illnesses and trauma histories get unstuck, be productive, and live their best lives without overworking themselves. I help them show up for themselves and their dreams every day, even on their darkest days.

How did I come to be this wonky mish-mash of chronic illness, mental health, and trauma-informed accountability, creativity, and life coach?

I’m a creative at heart. I’m a writer, dancer, and entrepreneur who has struggled with chronic illness, invisible disability, C-PTSD, PTSD, anxiety, and severe depression since childhood. I spent over a decade of my adult life hardly doing anything that I found meaningful, and it nearly killed me. Finding my way from just dreaming, to actually doing has been a long, hard, and winding road.

And because I’ve been on that road, and taken all the detours and false-turns, and finally found my way, I can now give you the gift of my experience.

I can give you a map with all the shortcuts. I can be your guide on your road. So you can arrive at your destination a hell of a lot faster than I did, and without all the false starts.

I'm here to show up for you, so you can finally show up for yourself.

So you can both accomplish your goals and live your life too!


Looking for The Action Navigator Course?

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6 Muse Muscles Workshop?


Looking for the original Butt In Chair Time Masterclass? Click here.

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