The Action Navigator Course

I help Neurospicy Spoonies just like you.

I help neurodivergent spoonies who are done feeling like a failure and a burden go from doing things the neurotypical, able-bodied, and toxic way, to mastering a toolset for genuine self-care and a bias toward action, so they can finally believe in and trust themselves enough to spend their precious time and energy the way they want.

Why a course?

While I started my business providing one-on-one coaching, I learned over time that it was less effective for two primary reasons:

  1. I’m a Neurodivergent Spoonie, too. My capacity varies widely, and my ability to be “on” is inconsistent. Sometimes I would give a coaching call while running on empty and feel frustrated with myself that I couldn’t help my client the way I know I’m capable of. A course solves this problem because it allows me to pre-record all of the things that I want each and every one of my clients to learn so they can get the best of what I have to offer, regardless of how I’m feeling from day to day.

  2. I want to help as many people as possible while also earning a living. That simply is not possible with a one-on-one model because I don’t have the spoons for the number of coaching calls it would require each week.

I have designed this course thoughtfully from the ground up to center my amazing clients and give them everything they need to succeed and meet their goals. They have access to the best of what I have to offer through my pre-recorded course, my private Discord community, and also ongoing group coaching calls with me (these are included with the cost of the course and are not an additional fee).

Wary of a group format?

I know how scary the idea of a group format can be, especially in the context of chronic illness, neurodivergence, mental health, trauma, and productivity. These can be very difficult topics, especially since our society heavily shames Neurodivergent Spoonies.

Creating a safe community is profoundly important to me, and I can confidently say that everyone inside this program gets it.

The safety, empathy, and understanding waiting for you inside this community is transformational.

If you resonate with my work and have been seeking “your people,” we’re right here. Can’t wait to meet you. 💖


Do you…

  • Struggle to get yourself to take action on the things you want and need to do?

  • Feel like you’re merely (or barely) surviving?

  • Fear you’re wasting your life or being a burden?

  • Have a harsh inner critic who can turn anything into a reason to shame you?

  • Worry because you don’t know who you are?

  • Spend way too much time learning about productivity hacks and planning systems, only to never use them?

  • Want to be a part of a community of like-minded people who get it?

  • Dream of being the type of person who gets things done?

  • Fantasize about a future where you’re a more powerful and capable version of yourself?

Imagine how good it would feel to be able to use your precious time and energy the way you want and need to.

Imagine how good it would feel to know who you are, to have a compassionate inner voice, and to trust that you can always count on yourself.

Imagine how good it would feel to not be alone anymore.

What if…

  • You never had to hustle again

  • You had more spoons

  • You could be consistent

  • You felt motivated

  • You could focus

  • You had clarity

  • You had confidence

  • You had high self-esteem and self-compassion

What if you had unconditional self-trust, so that whatever comes your way, you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you could handle it?

The Action Navigator is an 8 Module course packed to the brim with tools and techniques for mastering your time, getting organized, and offering yourself radical compassion as a Neurospicy Spoonie.

Many programs focus solely on the big picture (your North Star, following your passion, smart goal setting, etc.), and then fail to actually help you take action, let alone consistently. That’s why the bulk of The Action Navigator focuses on Mastering the Moment, on helping you actually do the thing and consistently. These are the tools that, once mastered, will allow you to make empowered decisions about your life and your future, not the other way around.

Whether you’re struggling to get yourself to brush your teeth every day, struggling to stay on top of your course work, struggling to follow through on your creative goals, struggling to not spend all day every day on the sofa watching Netflix—basically you’re struggling to take action; you deserve help learning the skills and tools that will empower you to spend your precious time and energy the way you want and need to; to not only survive, but to thrive.

That’s what The Action Navigator is all about.


You will learn how to:

Master the Moment

  • Overcome resistance and procrastination in the moment you’re experiencing it

  • Actually take action on the things you want and need to do

  • Manage your physical energy, cognitive energy, and emotional energy

  • Manage your time

  • Build a personalized task management system that works for you

  • Give yourself true self-care

  • Create, communicate, and enforce compassionate boundaries with yourself and others

  • Use a powerful toolbox filled with personalizable tools and skills to help you take action, care for yourself, and meet your goals

  • Know exactly which tool/skill to use depending on your unique circumstances in the moment

  • Change your inner voice from a cruel and shaming inner critic, to a kind and compassionate inner voice

Build Your Future

  • Design your compass, the North Star that will guide you as you build your future

  • Translate your compass into actionable goals

  • Revise your compass and course correct as you learn more about yourself, your needs, and desires, and/or when life throws your a curveball

Course Breakdown

Module 0 | Welcome Party

  • Zoom Tour

  • Discord (Community) Tour

  • Community Rules

  • Student Portal Tour

  • Accountability

  • Metaphor For Success

  • Show Up Messy

  • Course Syllabus

Module 1 | Starting

  • The Vision

  • The Toolbox

  • Spoon Hunting

  • Three Gas Tanks

  • Follow-Through Formula

  • Muse Muscles

  • The Swiss Alps

  • Guided Jumpstarts

Module 2 | Doing

  • What is Resistance?

  • What is Procrastination?

  • Muscle Building: Expectations

  • Muscle Building: Starting

  • Muscle Building: Stopping

  • Homework + The Daily Check-In

Module 3 | Organizing

  • The Point of Having a System

  • System Building Blocks

  • Let's Get Functional

  • Prioritizing

  • Project Planning

  • The Weekly Reset

  • Build Your System Cheat Sheet

Module 4 | Planning

  • Time Tracking & Estimation

  • Calendar / Time Blocking

  • Pomodoro Technique

  • Transitions / Friction

  • Decision Fatigue

  • Routine Building

Module 5 | Self-Care

  • What is Self-Care?

  • Anytime Pages

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Polyvagal Theory

  • Stimulation

  • Relational Healing

Module 6 | Troubleshooting

  • Deep Dive Into The Follow-Through Formula

  • Walk Back The Cat Exercise

Module 7 | Your Compass

  • Compass vs. F-T Formula

  • Your True North

  • Values & Desires Exercise

  • Shooting for the Moon

  • East vs. West

  • Now What?

Module 8 | Scaling Your Life

  • Body Compass

  • Goal Setting

  • Goal Planning

  • Change Cycle

  • Iterating

  • Scaling Your Life

Bonus | Boundaries Workshop

  • How to choose which boundaries you need

  • How to establish those boundaries

  • How to enforce those boundaries

But wait, there’s more!

  • The course itself is pre-recorded so you can study at your own pace

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Cassie

    • Currently alternates between Tuesdays and Fridays, and also alternates between 12pm and 5pm Pacific Time

  • Weekly System Reset Calls with Cassie

    • Mondays at 2pm Pacific

  • Monthly Build Your System Calls with Cassie

    • Every 3rd Thursday at 2pm Pacific

  • Private Discord Community

  • Searchable Student Portal

    • Modules & Workshops

    • All Call Recordings

    • Every YouTube video 😉

    • Closed Captions & Transcripts

  • Guided Jumpstart Audios (to listen to when you’re facing resistance in the moment)

Lifetime Access! 🤩

When you sign up you get lifetime access to everything, including any and all future updates to the course! (“Lifetime” means lifetime of the course, which I am committed to running for years to come. I want this program to continue to grow and become my legacy.)

The Action Navigator is a one-of-a-kind experience.

Nothing else like it exists. Treating yourself with compassion and understanding will feel natural. Spending your precious time and energy the way you want and need to will become second nature. You’ll develop the kind of self-trust that will allow you to show up for yourself no matter the circumstances.

I spent too many years of my life figuring this out on my own and don’t want anyone else to have to lose so many years of their life to this same struggle, and I especially don’t want anyone to have to do this alone.

I built this program because it’s what I so desperately needed years and years ago. Did other coaches and therapists have things to offer me? Yes. But the good ones were desperately hard to find, and no single expert covered all the bases of what I was struggling with. My procrastination didn’t exist independently of my depression and trauma. My resistance didn’t exist independently of my chronic illness, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue. My ability to take action didn’t exist independently of the systemic oppression and forced poverty I experienced thanks to my disabilities.

I needed holistic help: coaching, tools, and skills that would not only work for me in my mess of a life, but were designed for those circumstances.

That’s what The Action Navigator is all about.


When you integrate the Action Navigator system and tools into your life, you’ll not only be more productive, you’ll also have a more compassionate and fulfilling relationship with yourself. You’ll have the skills and support to not only survive, but to finally thrive.

Ready to show up for yourself in a big way?

Join the Action Navigator today!


 How To Join


Next Steps:

  1. Values Check:
    Because so many of my students are members of marginalized communities, their safety (and yours) inside my community is my top priority. While basic human rights should be a given and not a political issue, they are very much a political issue at present, which makes the work I do inherently political. Because of this, I choose to be transparent about my values and beliefs. I believe in and support:

    • Black Lives Matter

    • Anti Racism

    • Pro Choice

    • Land Back

    • LGBTQIA+

    • Trans Rights are Human Rights

    • Fat Activism

    • Vaccinations, Face Masks, & Social Distancing

    • Support, Accessibility, and Accommodations for those with Disabilities and/or are Neurodivergent

    • Universal Healthcare

    • Universal Basic Income

    If you agree with the following statement, “Yes! I am comfortable with Cassie's values, and I definitely want to work with her” you may proceed to step two! If you do not agree, I recommend finding a coach whose values reflect your own and I wish you the best on your journey.

  2. Schedule A Zoom Call
    Use the scheduler at the bottom of this page to schedule a Zoom call! (Reminder: as of January 2024 my assistant Shae is taking over hosting these free discovery calls. If you like me, I guarantee you'll absolutely adore Shae.

    I originally met Shae when they joined the Action Navigator program in Spring of 2022. They enjoyed the program so much and we got along so well that I hired them as my assistant.

    I've spent the last year training them to host these discovery calls, and I trust them wholeheartedly with the precious task of making you feel seen and heard.

    If together you and Shae decide the Action Navigator is right for you, I look forward to meeting you inside the program! 💖

Looking forward to meeting you!

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Have Questions?

If you have any questions, simply email me at (and make sure to add my email address to your contacts so my reply doesn’t end up in your spam filter).
