Posts in Chronic Illness/Pain
Medical Trauma (When Failure Is Not An Option) | Where I’ve Been in 2023

Hello my precious Muses. I've been pretty MIA on YouTube this year due to a lot of ongoing medical trauma. I've alluded to it before, but today I want to walk you through what's been going on. Failure has not been an option for me with this medical goal, but that doesn't mean I don't have a failure story. It's time for some failure analysis as we talk about chronic illness, goal setting and motivation, medical trauma, and where I've been in 2023. Watch the video at the link below, or read on for the full transcript.

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6 Reasons Why Self Diagnosis is Valid and IMPORTANT

If you or someone you love have, or is going through circumstances that necessitate some form of self-diagnosis, welcome to Validation City. By the end of this video, you'll know why self-diagnosis is both a valid and important. So you can give yourself the validation you deserve, or you can give your friend or family member the validation they so very much deserve. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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The Ultimate Worthiness Affirmation For Spoonies

If you're a spoonie and struggle with worthiness, poor self-esteem, poor self-confidence, and/or generally have a habit of judging yourself harshly and beating yourself up, this video is for you. I'm going to teach you the ultimate worthiness affirmation that is an absolute favorite among my coaching clients. It really does have the power to change your life. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Self Care Routine | How to prepare for a bad day

If you have a chronic illness, mental illness, trauma, and/or neurodivergence, you know that bad days happen and they're often unexpected and can throw you off course for days, if not weeks or months. Today, I want to help you build a self care routine for your bad days so you can make the most out of them without overdoing it. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Night Routine Ideas For Spoonies | For POTSies & Zebras!

Are you a spoonie with chronic illness, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, invisible disability, or mental health issues and are looking for some night routine ideas to make your evenings better? Hi! I'm Cassie Winter and I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), and Complex PTSD (among other things). In this video I'm going to walk you through my night routine and why I do the things that I do. I hope it helps inspire you to spruce up your own night routine. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Notion Bullet Journal | My Symptom Tracker

As someone with chronic illness, I know how supremely difficult it can be to keep track of all of your symptoms in a easy, manageable, and useful way. I've incorporated symptom tracking into my Notion bullet journal and it has been game changing for me, which is why I want to share it with you today. By the end of this video you'll have gotten a tour of my symptom tracker and a tutorial on how to make one just like it all by yourself inside Notion.

Watch the video below or read on for the transcript.

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