Posts tagged Procrastination
The Secret To Being More Productive: The Window of Tolerance

We all want to feel productive, right? The trouble is focusing on feeling productive is a red herring that directs us away from the feelings that we need to engage with in order to feel productive, and that's what we're talking about today. It involves a little something called "The Window of Tolerance". Watch the video at the link below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Saying "This Should Be Easy" = Gaslighting Yourself

If you've ever told yourself or been told that, "This should be easy," you know how painful and frustrating that can be. It can make you feel angry. It can make you feel hopeless. It can make you feel broken. Let's change all that, shall we? By the end of this video, you'll know how to stop being so hard on yourself so you can finally start achieving your potential. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Cal Newport Podcast | DON'T Listen To His "Tough Love" Procrastination Tips

If you're someone who struggles with always leaving important things until the last minute, and are tired of people telling you to "just do the thing," you're in the right place. By the end of this video you'll know exactly why that "tough love" advice is hurting you instead of helping you, so you can move on to learning tools and techniques that will actually help you get over your procrastination instead of wallowing in the shame that well-meaning people constantly thrust upon you. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Procrastination Journal Prompts To Get You Unstuck FAST

Procrastination can feel like an endless cycle. It can worsen existing depression and, if left to fester for too long, can create depression on its own. So what do you do about it? By the end of this video you'll know three targeted journaling prompts you can use to get you unstuck in the moment so you can actually get started on the things you've been procrastinating on. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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