Overwhelmed by your master to do list? You need THIS

To do list organization and task management tools are all good and fine, but if you continuously add things to your master to-do list without consideration for whether or not they've truly earned a spot in your task management system, no amount of task management skills are going to keep you from getting overwhelmed. By the end of this video, you'll know my number one strategy for escaping this cycle and ensuring that your to-do list gets and stays manageable, meaningful, and fulfilling. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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How To Actually USE Your Planner System (instead of letting it collect dust)

If you haven't touched your planner in days, if not weeks or months, or you have a stack of partially used planners gathering dust somewhere in your office, this for you. By the end of this video, you'll know how to start and keep using your planner, so it starts working for you and not the other way around. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Perfectionism is destroying your productivity (and your mental health)

If you're watching this right now, I'm guessing you already know that your perfectionism is destroying both your productivity and your mental health. So instead of polishing that turd, by the end of this video, I wanna help you get to the bottom of your perfectionism and give you two concrete ways to start overcoming it today. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Self Care Routine | How to prepare for a bad day

If you have a chronic illness, mental illness, trauma, and/or neurodivergence, you know that bad days happen and they're often unexpected and can throw you off course for days, if not weeks or months. Today, I want to help you build a self care routine for your bad days so you can make the most out of them without overdoing it. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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STOP Victim Shaming Yourself

If you feel like you're more skilled at beating yourself up than anything else, if anyone has ever told you to stop playing the victim, this video is for you because sometimes you are a victim and it's not your fault. My goal by the end of this video is to not only help you feel better, but know what you can do to start moving forward. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Fear of Public Speaking | My journey from anxiety to loving the spotlight

So the idea of public speaking gives you so much anxiety that you'd rather do pretty much anything else ever? That used to be me, too. In this video I'll tell you about my journey from literal panic attacks to now, and give you some tips to get you started overcoming your own fear of public speaking. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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