Brainstorming Exercise Using Kanban Boards | Unleash Your Creativity with Notion

Do you need to outline something, such as an essay, a presentation, or maybe even a book, but you're struggling with the brainstorming and outlining process? By the end of this video, you'll know a simple four-step process using free tools that can turn you into a brainstorming and outlining wizard. Watch the video below, or read on for the full transcript.

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Time Blocking Planner Review | Cal Newport Deep Work - Will it work for you?

Are you curious about Cal Newport's new Time-Block Planner? Well here it is! I've been using it for about a week and I am ready to give you a full review. By the end of this video you'll know if the new Time-Block Planner is right for you, because I am going to talk about the physical quality of it, how functional the planning pages are, and also how well it as a time-management system fit into my existing planning and organizational system. Because as Cal Newport says in the instructions at the beginning of this book, this is supposed to be a supplement to one's existing system as opposed to a replacement for it. Watch the video below or read on for the full transcript.

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Toxic Positivity Culture | 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't "Just Think Positive"

Hi Muses! I'm trying something a little different this week because I'm feeling salty. (And I'm told I'm funny when I'm salty, so...) I'm basically gonna rant about the classic piece of advice to "just think positive," because really that advice makes me mad. Because not only can it be entirely unhelpful, but it can be downright harmful as well.

Click below to watch the video, or read on for the full transcript.

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Notion Bullet Journal | My Symptom Tracker

As someone with chronic illness, I know how supremely difficult it can be to keep track of all of your symptoms in a easy, manageable, and useful way. I've incorporated symptom tracking into my Notion bullet journal and it has been game changing for me, which is why I want to share it with you today. By the end of this video you'll have gotten a tour of my symptom tracker and a tutorial on how to make one just like it all by yourself inside Notion.

Watch the video below or read on for the transcript.

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Emotional Flashbacks Symptoms | Why You Feel Small & Helpless

If you're watching this, you might be wondering if what you (or someone you care about) has experienced qualifies as an emotional flashback. By the end of this video you'll understand the key signs and symptoms of emotional flashbacks, and why they have the power to make you feel so small and helpless.

Click below to watch the video, or read on for the full transcript.

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Feeling Uninspired and Unmotivated? How to Figure Out What You're Supposed To DO

Hello and welcome back to the shenanigans that is my channel. Watch the video at the link below, or read on for the full transcript.

Today I want to talk about how to deal with feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Which is ironic because that was my day today. This is my second time trying to film this video. Fingers crossed that it goes better.

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How to Get Unstuck In Life with Mental Illness | Your Light Switch

Do you feel stuck? Like you're always waiting for tomorrow to be better, but tomorrow simply never comes? Are you afraid that you might not actually be capable of the kind of change you want in your life? By the end of this video you'll know the true key to change, and it might not be what you think it is.

Watch the video below, or read on for the transcript.

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Notion Bullet Journal for Chronic Illness (Beginner Tutorial)

Are you curious about Notion, but feel too overwhelmed or daunted to use it yourself? Well by the end of this video you'll know the basics of how to use Notion and how to set up your own customized bullet journal workspace that is designed for someone with chronic illness and or mental illness.

Watch the video below or read on for the transcript. (Although I highly recommend watching the video since most of it is a screen-share tutorial.)

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